This page explains the typical workflow that is used with git.

If you want the short version of this explanation, see the page git: basic workflow, which has a much shorter and simpler explanation.

If you want to understand the commands in more depth, this page is where you want to be.

In practice, its a good habit to do a git status in between each step, so in reality, it should look like this:

git status
git pull
git status
git add
git status
git commit -m "Describe what you did here"
git status
git push origin master
git status

The rest of this page describes “what it all means”.

The details

The steps described below would be the same steps whether you were working with Java, C, C++, Python, or even plain text files. These are the steps that you’ll want to get very accustomed to, because they represent a typical “workflow” in git—the workflow you’ll use when working on an simple, single author, individual project.

Suppose you’ve made some changes to one of the files in your repository. With luck, those changes worked. At the very least, you want to make sure that you don’t lose your work, and that if you need to switch computers, you can do that easily.

So it is important before we finish work for the day to make sure we go through a “workflow” to get those changes get “committed” and “pushed” to the github server.

Getting them on the github server means:

Ok, first let’s learn some terminology. Then let’s learn how to do the usual git basic workflow.

What’s a workflow? What’s a commit? What’s a push?

The word workflow is often used to describe a typical sequence of steps you go through to interact with a version control system to use it effectively. In particular, it describes how the use of the tool fits in with the other parts of software development that you are already used to, such as editing code, compiling code, and testing code.

As you make changes to a repository—adding/deleting files or directories, renaming files, editing files—at a certain point, you should periodically commit those changes.

When should you commit? Often. Typicallly, after each edit or set of edits that successfully accomplishes some goal, however small.

It is typically NOT a good practice to commit changes that make the code “worse” (e.g. break something or cause it to no longer compile). This is especially true in projects with multiple developers (the rule is sometimes called “don’t break the build”).

But that’s not a hard-and-fast rule. It depends on the situation. For now, I’d suggest you err on the side of committing TOO often, rather than the other way around. The idea of a commit is that it is a checkpoint that you can roll back to if necessary. Any commit can be “undone”.

And as long as you push your commits to the server in the cloud, you’ll be able to recover every commit you’ve ever made, even if the system where you are working (e.g. ACMS) is wiped out by a fire, earthquake or tsunami (along with all the ACMS backups.)

The difference between a commit and a push is this:

To understand this, you need to understand what happened when you did the first “git clone” command of your repo onto your ACMS account (or your own laptop computer.)

To start with, your repo existed in only one place: on the server.

Then you cloned it with “git clone” into a subdirectory of the ~/github subdirectory of your ACMS account (or laptop). Now there are TWO repositories, not ONE.

That’s worth repeating: after you clone a repository, you now have TWO SEPARATE REPOSITORIES. For example, this in case:

When you “commit” a change, you are committing it in your LOCAL copy of the repository.

When you “push” that commit, you are updating the REMOTE copy on github.

Ok, now that we’ve talked through what we are about to do, let’s actually do it.

Do a git pull

Normally, if we were working with other people, or perhaps doing work on more than one system (e.g. sometimes working on our laptop, sometimes our desktop machine at home and sometimes on ACMS), the first step before doing a commit is always to do a git pull. The git pull command ensures that we get the latest updates from elsewhere, in case there are any.

In this case, we probably don’t need to do that, because we’ve just been working with this one clone of this one repo, but just because we want to establish a good set of habits, let’s start with the git pull. You’ll have to type in your github username and password for this step.

[spis19t3@ieng6-240]:~:81$ git pull
Username for 'https://github': bnieder
Password for '': 
Already up-to-date.

The git pull is necessary when you (or someone else) has made changes to the repo on github on some other computer, or by editing directly on the github web page.

If you have NOT done this, the message “Already up-to-date” is most likely what you will see.

It is possible at this point to have a so-called merge conflict. Those are usually not nearly as difficult to deal with as they may seem, but that is a whole other topic, so there is a separate page for that: git: merge conflicts

git status

The next step before committing a change is to use the git status command to see what’s up. Specifically, we need to see which files may have changed since the last commit, and decide which of those changes we want to make part of our commit. This command doesn’t require us to type our github username and password (i.e. our ACMS username/password) because it is ONLY checking the current files in our directory against the “last” commit that we did—or if we have not done any commits yet, against the version that was in place when we originally cloned the repository. That’s something that can be done ENTIRELY on the local file system.


There are exceptions to those rules, and later things may get more complicated, but that explanation is a reasonable starting point.

Here is what a git status looks like:

[spis19t3@ieng6-240]:~:82$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

The message here shows that we’ve made a change to that hasn’t been committed.

To tell git that we want this file to be part of our commit, we use the command “git add”, which is the next step.

Use git add to add files into the commit

Nothing goes into a commit unless we specifically tell git we want it to be a part of the commit. The git status command can be used to tell us what we might want to add to the commit, but ultimately, it is up to us to make this choice.

Type the following: git add

It should look like this:

[spis19t3@ieng6-240]:~:83$ git add

In typical “unix command” fashion, there is no output, which means “it worked.” But if we want to really see that it worked, we can type “git status” again:

[spis19t3@ieng6-240]:~:84$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#   modified:

Now we see that when we do our next commit, will be part of the commit. So, let’s do that now.

Use git commit -m "some message here"

This will to commit these files to the LOCAL repository (the one in our ACMS directory.)

When we commit, we need to add a message that describes what change we made to the file. These are typically short. For example, in this case our message might be:

Added javadoc comment

So type this command: git commit -m “Added Javadoc Comment”

Here’s an example:

[spis19t3@ieng6-240]:~:85$ git commit -m "Added Javadoc Comment"
[master 7180ef4] Added Javadoc Comment
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Note that there is a hex number that goes with the commit—in this case, 7180ef4. That hex number is the first few hex digits of the SHA-1 Hash of the contents of the entire repository, and is the identifier by which this commit is known to the git system. Those numbers will be important later. For now, just notice that each time you commit a change, this hex number changes.

Help! I tried the commit command and my screen went all weird!

When doing a commit command, if you suddenly find yourself in a semi-blank screen that reminds you of vim, well, it means you are in vim. The reason is that you forgot the -m, or somehow the -m got messed up. In this case, git is giving you a text editor so you can enter a longer commit message.

In that case, just type your commit message, then type escape, and use :wq to save your changes. Then your commit will go through just fine.

But if you don’t know how to edit in vi/vim, you are likely to be very confused. To get out, just type escape, then :q!

Then try your commit again.

Step 6e: Use git status to see the status now

It you now type git status, you’ll see this message. Read it carefully (it helps if you read it out loud.)

[spis19t3@ieng6-240]:~:86$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
#   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
nothing to commit, working directory clean

The important part here is that you are being told that you need to git push to “publish” your local commits. That is, your commits are currently only in your local repository. When you “publish” them, you push the back to the “origin/master” branch of your repository at github—which is the one that your instructor and/or TA will look at to give you a grade.

So, let’s push the changes there, because you certainly want your instructor/TA to see the results of all your hard work!

Use git push origin master to push the changes to github

Type “git push”. In this case, this is short for “git push origin master”, which means “push all my local changes up to the master branch at the origin of this repository, the main repo at github”.

Here’s what that should look like. (If you cloned your repo with an ssh link you won’t need to type in your username/password as shown below.)

[spis19t3@ieng6-240]:~:87$ git push origin master
Username for '': atriton
Password for '': 
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 563 bytes, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
   2d598d9..7180ef4  master -> master

Seeing the effect on github

Until you do the git push command, if you go to your repo on github, the changes you make aren’t there. But now, your changes will be there.

Go to the github page for your repo.

So what’s the big deal?

This may not seem very exciting at this point—you may wonder what all the fuss is about. And to be clear, the value of all this isn’t really very apparent when we are dealing with one person making one change in one file. But, as we work with this over the weeks ahead, with much larger projects, the benefits will become clear.