The students’ repo should contain at least three files:
- 2 files: (one for each student’s individual work)
- 1 file: (with the pair programming work)
- optional files for the extra creative challenges
Start by looking at each file for the individual work ( Provide feedback in each student’s own individual feedback repo, not the pair’s feedback repo. Check the following:
- The code should have two functions: invert() and invert_block()
- Check if the code works on a sample image
- Make sure the code is commented properly. Specifically, it should provide an explanatory comment for each one of the lines “ from PIL import Image”, “bear = “bear.jpg” )”, “” and the function definitions. Acknowledge any particilar care students have taken to structure their code well and provide clear comments.
Next check out the for the pair programming work. Provide feedback in the pair’s feedback repo. Check the following:
- Are all the functions implemented? How far did they get? If they did not complete the assignment, reach out to them and see what they were struggling with.
- Check the solutions on a sample image
- Is the code commented properly?
- If they did not get all the way to the end, encourage them to try at least one problem from each of the categories “Reducing the color space”, “Geometric transformations” and “Geometric transformations returning a copy of the image”, as they each focus on different concepts. Specifically acknowledge students who have put in the effort to come up with creative blurrring strategies, and if they did the random grid (especially if it takes in a parameter). This is a lot of work, and we should congratulate them on that.
Check if there are any additional files with more creative work. If they include work from a student who is not in your group, contact the relevant mentor and have them acknowledge this student in their private repo. We should be supportive of the extra work they did and encourage them to keep on exploring. If you find any particularly creative images, please share with the entire instructional staff.