Feedback on lab02

Here’s what to look for when giving feedback on lab02 (a pair lab.)

Does the repo they created have the correct name?

They should have created a repo with the name listed in this spreadsheet (private to mentors only):

Use the tabs at the bottom of the sheets to select “lab02 repos”

If the name is not correct, you won’t be able to find it by clicking on the link.

Instead, go to the organization page:, type “lab02” in the search box, and look through to see if you can find the repo. Let them know what the correct name should have been in your feedback.

Does the repo contain the right files?

The files should be:

If they dont have the right files, or the file names are wrong, provide some feedback on that. extended functionality

Check to make sure they have extended the functionality of convertWageMtoW function so that:

They might have written another function with this extended functionality. That’s fine (the instructions left this open).

Comment on their extension. What is interesting about it? Does it meet the requirements? If not, what is missing?

Check their tests

They were supposed to add tests, either in a main method, or in comments, on which they tested their new function. Use these tests to run their code and ensure that they pass. Comment on the quality of their tests. Are they a good set? Are there any obvious cases missing?

If they do not have tests, make sure that you leave them some feedback letting them know that they should. Talk about the importance of testing their code (and following assignment instructions!). Let them know they can come to you if they need help with writing or running tests.