Lecture Notes, Fri 08/23
More info on Lab07 + Two options for lecture
Agenda for Fri 08/23 (from SPIS Google Calendar)
Assignment Calendar for Week 3
FoCS class 8:45 (Niema)
Lecture slides: Probability and Naive Bayes Classification
About Breadth/Depth
Each Friday morning (except for week 5), we have a special lecture section called “breadth/depth”. The depth lecture is scheduled to be in Room 2154 and the breadth lecture is in Room 4258.
If you feel that you would benefit from reviewing and going into more depth about the material from the previous week to solidify your understanding, choose depth. Documents for depth can be found here
If you are confident in your mastery of the content from the previous week, and would like to learn about something different, choose the breadth lecture. Breadth lecture can be found here